cinnamon sugarI’m almost always the first one up in my house in the morning.  The alarm goes off and as usual I didn’t go to bed early enough the night before so I struggle getting up.  Even so, responsibility beckons me so I stagger downstairs and start the morning routine of feeding the pets, packing the kids’ school lunches, making everyone breakfast, making sure the kids have all of their homework and the things needed for school for the day, unloading the dishwasher, waking my sleepy husband up who also didn’t go to bed early enough and will be late for work if he doesn’t get moving, going into my daughter’s bedroom to wake her up, going back, 1-2-3 times until she finally gets up, putting a load of laundry in the washer, making the bed (well in my dreams that happens, I wish I made the bed more often) nagging my son to get off his computer and watch for his carpool ride, washing the breakfast dishes, re-loading the dishwasher, picking up the rocks, sticks and random rusty items my son has now dumped on the counter from his pockets, making sure my daughter takes her antibiotic for the ear infection she got last week from getting swimmers ear at the local rec center pool, walking the dog….

Probably every mother in America goes through a similar routine each weekday.  It’s hectic and chaotic and I often think of the famous 1980’s Calgon bath soap commercial “Calgon Take Me Away!”

Then the car horn honks outside and the kids run out to catch the ride to school.  My husband comes running downstairs, runs out the door saying “I’m late again!” And suddenly…., all is silent.

Now it’s time for me to work but first a bit of a guilty pleasure.  I get a cup of coffee and make myself some toast.  Today though, I added MySpicer cinnamon sugar to that toast.  This is comfort food at its best.  I can smell the sweet, earthy aroma of the cinnamon as it melts in the butter on my toast.  I take a bite and it is like a warm, sugary taste of Autumn.  Ahhh, it just melted in my mouth. Now, I’m ready to go to work.

Thanks MySpicer.  The cinnamon sugar blend you have created is the perfect combination.  Not too much cinnamon and just the right amount of sweet.  I love this stuff!

Give it a try and let me know what you think.  Use the coupon code CSUGAR10 to take 10% off your next order of our cinnamon sugar.